Lately I have likely experienced hallucinations. I believe they started after I wanted to know and see secret things. It isn’t bothering me, but it may be spreading to other people and having a great significance.
I have been experiencing mild hallucinations lately. Generally, they are visual ones. When it happens, I think back to the time that I was last hospitalized, and I tried a technique.
I am not sure exactly what I was trying. Perhaps it was because I thought that TVs were stealing secrets from us. Or that I wanted to be God and see the duality of every image. Things that are hidden from us – behind the images that we see every day.
For auditory secrets I decided that TVs were able to map things out by sonar or pings.
Once I heard a ping on that television in the hospital. Strange – these sounds don’t often occur on television. Might have been before or later I heard a man – say something on TV that might of have been a hallucination: “He is the world’s best chance, but his heart is fainting and he is not a heart transplant candidate”.
I have been having issues with fatigue and even heart “fainting” – but have never talked it about with a physician. Didn’t occur to me and felt that it might pass.
So that statement likely was about me – but I doubt that was a movie line. But maybe it was – I don’t recall it clearly. I thought it was a hallucination.
There was another occasion in a noisy store that I asked if the cashier said anything – she didn’t but said that also happens to her.
But I also thought about things like, how TVs could be used to see things in front of them. Long ago, I heard a teacher say that a man told him that somehow, he could see what was in front of a television – without modifications – making a camera out of it – from far away. That was during the days of CRT ones – the tube ones.
I thought that LCD ones today maybe could do the same thing. So I thought about it. My belief was that it had to be with a flash and with that they could map out the room somehow in reverse and send it to a center where “negative” people can see it.
As I was thinking about this, the workers on me, one of them, was swaying my head side to side, as if I had thought something of great significance or great harm.
I wanted to see and hear things that were secret, and I may have gotten that.
This hospitalization was Dec through Jan of year 2024.
As time would progress this year, I would start to notice that I would take a second glance at something – I was starting to see things that were not there. Slightly. I would think back to this time where I was trying to see secret things that the strategy that I devised in the hospital.
Felt they started after that research into seeing secret things.
It didn’t bother me that much and I was interested where it would lead. However, it took an unexpected turn.
The Serious Connection
Just today I learned that the president Biden has been dealing with hallucinations. They think it is associated with Parkinsons. He had a supposed medical emergency on Air Force One where he experienced hallucinations. That is what Hal Turner Radio Show is reporting.
I have associated my milestones with Biden’s successes. I am the reason of his success. You can read my previous blog post here where I discuss his 2022 comeback. Or another post here where we make it back from the brink. We are somehow tied together where I am influencing him – suffering his hardships, enemies, and over comings.
When I learned of Biden’s medical emergency as reported by this show, I realized that my research into secrets is having a serious effect on him.
If his hallucinations started this year, I likely am the source of them. If they started well before this year than I am totally wrong – he may be influencing me. This I am not sure about.
I wrote this post to at least have the people around him who are trying to help him have some secrets that may be useful. I realize this is a serious issue and am trying to give help any way I can.
Thing is my life may depend on Biden being in office. The elites have kept him on my successes. If they give up on him, it is me they are really giving up on.
But he is not in a strong position. After a bad debate performance, his candidacy may be on the line.
I have considered what I can do to turn things around. Only have one idea that I have not tried – but this one is not easy and not totally up to me and could be dangerous: dating.
I really wish that the circus on the disastrous debate performance is just a show – but it may not be and may turn into the real thing – with existential significance on me – but ultimately on the rest of the world.