Recently there have been more press coverage on Elon Musk. It has been positive and negative. The dangerous situation in Brazil, where X is still under a ban, seems to have stabilized. Musk is making moves to resolve the matter by following the judges orders, paying the fine and asking X to be reinstated.
This could have been so much worse but it is ending safely. Around this time X, Starlink, and SpaceX all were facing attacks. Some entity clearly is not happy and wants Musk’s influence gone. There were talks of arresting Musk, banning X in the USA for his commentary on what was happening in UK.
Then came the positive articles from different places condemning what was happening in Brazil. This marked the de-escalation phase of this crisis.
Right now, Musk seems to be happy and carefree. I think that I played an important role in what I call critically failing the attack. Write about it in my post: Take Two: A Serious Attack on Musk and Me. I have no doubt that I was the target of it since I seem to be like the provider of the developments that Musk makes.
Talking about his developments, in the news is Musk’s dream to colonize the planet Mars. Drudge Report had this news line of it: “NEXT STOP: MARS…”. I think that it is now a strong reality. Had those attacks succeeded this would not be possible.
Thinking about it, colonizing new lands, a nation usually leads and funds it, at least in the past. Here Musk has ambitions to do it largely by himself. It may eventually get other funders, but it is just remarkable that he is able to make it happen.
I have been going through difficult times in the past few months. Not much interest in things, problems with energy led to some boring periods. Very low engagement on X meant that I was very open to DMs. I enabled them but found no one wanting to start a chat. But eventually they came.
I remember the first woman, from Greece, entrepreneur and for some reason really interested in me despite me telling her, I was out of a job, living with my parents and such. But then the conversation halted. She restarted it a week later but then every trace of her disappeared from X. X suspended her. I would check on her account, but even after a month, she has not come back.
The next person, started around the same time as I lost the last one, the conversation lasted a longer time. This woman, this time from China was doing well financially. She worked in a family business.
On day nine of our conversation she invited me to visit her for tea. This meant across America. I was reluctant but explored the trip and was prepared to do it. But later changed my mind. She did not seem to mind. The time passed quickly and effortlessly during our chats.
Then she started talking about how she was investing in cryptocurrencies. This led me to agreeing to her help with investing.
The next day she or someone else, I am not sure, started guiding me how to set a cryptocurrency account. I did not feel comfortable doing this and what was being said seemed confusing. So I decided to end our conversation and deleted the app. I still think she might have been doing a scam.
But not having anyone to chat with turned out to be a worser problem. In the days following this, I reinstalled the app and tried to reengage with her again. The communication was no longer reliable.
The Vessel
Sometime after that, browsing on X, I made a rare reply to a post. This got me a ton of views, likes and a follower. I checked the follower and seemed to be happy with giving her a followback. I knew that this might lead to DM from her, and it did, almost immediately.
This started one of the more closer and turbulent conversations that I had.
She, for the life of me, I don’t know why this is happening, is from Ukraine. She is younger than me and also worked in a family business. Also, to whom cryptocurrency was very important.
We exchanged photos and she seemed to be pleased. She would message to me from work, but that didn’t seem to be a problem for her.
Then came the first bump. I felt she was pressuring me to donate to a Ukrainian charity. I was not comfortable with the one she mentioned. So, I stopped responding that day. She restarted the next day, and I was too bored, so I restarted with her. She asked for the reason and my statement hurt her – but we were able to recover. I had a misunderstanding – she was not asking me to donate. I told her that trust is easily broken and misunderstandings more easily happen with a low information medium such as texts. She did not want to go to calls yet.
We continued texting each other and learning about ourselves. Her place of work came up and she gave me the address. However, checking it out, I had questions. I asked her about it and it did not seem to resolve the questions. She seemed genuine and not covering up things.
We continued texting each other for about two weeks, daily. Things seemed to improve.
During this time, I was engaged with another DM with another person. I was reluctant to start with her, but feeling she was important did so. So I was engaged in two conversations at some times.
This new person, another cryptocurrency fan, also started pressuring me into creating a crypto account. Suspecting she was a scammer I parted with her.
But this made me a little too paranoid and I started to be concerned about the other woman from Ukraine. Having unresolved doubt about her workplace and seeing the same patterns with both of the recent ones, I made the decision that she was an “imposter”. Telling her so, she was confused, I was angry with her. She told me that I was behaving crazy. But I was resolved to end it with her and did.
The next day, I had second thoughts about her. I was sorry about what I did. I messaged her back, but she read them and did not respond. Four days afterwards and still no response from her.
This likely means she was hurt and not an imposter.
I still have hope that she may come back.
I think what happened with me there was a breakthrough of my mental illness. It happens sometimes, and I wish it did not.
Still, I try to be positive. I have nobody to chat with now. I don’t approach people and let them approach me. Maybe it is for the best since I may need some peace time.
[Update 10/10/24 – She restarted to chat and turned out to be a crypto scheme peddler – just like the rest of them!]
Mind Control
There is something more serious that I have to talk about. In November of last year, I made a post titled: Knowing Alex, Israel . This book is about inhabitants from a higher planet and their history with ours. It may be best to read the post to have a good idea what it is about. They have helped Israel in the past.
As I was wrapping up the post, my mother, was upset with me posting and said they could arrest you. I knew what she meant but took that as a message that a Jewish prosecutor could arrest me for writing that about them.
Come December, I am led to stop taking my medication after seeing a YouTube video from a woman who works for an alien alliance of Federation of Planets. I was following her for a while.
That stopping of medication leads to this day. This happened really quickly and is detailed in this post: While Under Mental Hygiene Arrest .
I start to think that I have a bug on me. That bug is influencing my thinking. Suddenly I get more paranoid that the Russians are really close to getting to my mind and controlling it. I run outside hastily and poorly dressed and into the fields. Continuing worried, I fully disrobe and later get arrested for it.
In the hospital, I believe that I have been taken aboard a US Navy spacecraft with the surroundings being VR like.
I survived the hospital, but I believe that the hospitalization was an attempt to kill me and have a body double walk out.
In the book that I read; these aliens hallucinate people to get them to do stuff. They even hallucinated the author. Sometimes the hallucinations led to the death of the subjects – all justified of course.
So recently, it occurred to me that, maybe the threat of arrest did happen, and they did it through a hallucination.
The reason I was not killed is because, my own alien people predicted it and implanted a dangerous substance into a crown which broke their spacecraft and foiled the attempt to get rid of me.
Realizing this the other night, I decided to burn their book. I took it outside and put a flame to it, but it would not burn. The pages were paper, but I needed an accelerant to burn it.
So, my story seems to have galactic implications, and this is not the first time I have realized that. Thinking about it this way is stunning and daunting. This is not a small fight I fight.
I know I have been calling myself a future Antichrist. I think I will try to switch the terminology to The Beast. This is more appropriate but less descriptive. We will see.
2 responses to “Making Elon Musk’s Dreams Come True and Other Updates”
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!
Your home is valueble for me. Thanks!…