My last post was about how I was worried Trump was coming after me. Biden did not stay in office. The plan that I had expected did not come to be. I think that was for the best.
As Trump made his moves over the last week, I kept judging them: was he or not on my side? Biden surely was or at least he was me. There were things linking us and I have written about him in my previous posts.
Trumps big moves such as cracking down on illegal immigration, DEI, LGBT, Ukraine and other things kept me thinking. These are things I could live with. But was he at its core a continuation of a presidency? Was he going to come after me?
Arguably he didn’t choose, my most biggest oppressor, I’m already forgetting his name, the last Speaker of the House McCarthy, into his cabinet and uplifted his deposer, Matt Gaetz, as a nomination for Attorney General. (See The Day Life Broke Through)
So, was he on my side?
I am going to reveal something I was aware about Biden and now Trump, to further make my points about them. This is definitely not mainstream but I need to go there to explain my thought-processes.
Are they clones? What are clones? They are bodies without a soul. They can think and I suspect that they are remotely controlled.
Why are clones needed? They provide a continuity of a person. The person may have gotten himself sick or disabled and could no longer lead in his post. The clone removes that, but it now needs to be controlled. They can also handle things that a person couldn’t and not get hurt.
I knew Biden is one. And in the second term, I know that Trump is also one.
So, who was controlling him – was it the white hats or the deep-state?
I remembered, going back, an article I read, before his nomination, where some segment of the GOP were planning on to not nominate him for the presidency because he had too many deep-staters in his staff. This article appeared on Drudge, and they were too small to have any effect on his path.
To me this was a big hint that Trump’s controllers just may be the same ones as Biden’s.
So, this provided some relief. But I kept thinking about this. Who is behind Trump?
I am pretty sure that I was backing Biden in his presidency. I was the spirit in him. Attacks on him, I felt, and the oppression on him, I experienced. His fight was mines.
Early on, and up until today, I thought you could substitute a clone, like a president, and control him. This obviously didn’t happen with Biden as they had me backing him.
But with Trump, who was backing him? I was thinking no one. Thought to myself, so Trump is going to have to deal with Congress – good luck for his policies there. I guess the weight is off me now and it is on him to plot his way through.
“Good luck” I kept thinking on him.
But as I laid in bed this afternoon, it struck me that just maybe, they have me backing Trump.
You see that in that position, you can’t have a robot, engaging world leaders, and such and making things go OK. It is best done, with a clone backed by something or someone. With Biden it was me because we were linked with an initials code and other things.
If I am backing Trump, spiritually, then I can expect more exposure and difficulties throughout his term. I think that I am now. Lately I have started to feel like Nebuchadnezzar, with my knees shaking.
But this seems to remove my threat from Trump.
With the belief that clones, in high positions, need some backing, I started to think of other clone leaders.
I think most of us were following the news of Putin’s Ukraine invasion in 2022. Shortly after that it seemed Putin got sick. It seemed weekly that there were negative news articles about his health.
In one where Putin himself is giving a speech in a stadium and repeats the Bible verse: ‘There is no greater love than if someone gives his soul for his friends,‘. He said this being sick from what I believe was his authorization of the Ukraine invasion. This was a terminal illness. His symptoms would continue to be noticed in articles.
Finally, I think he was replaced by a clone of him. After that, there were no more articles on Putin’s health.
Is he backed by someone? It is best if one is.
I don’t see him being backed by anyone in Russia. I think they would just elect that person. Could someone be backed by a non-human (I don’t mean aliens) – like gold?
I am not sure about it. I am sure he is a clone, but who is backing him here is uncertain. It occurred to me that maybe they backed him with me. If I am working for the Americans, maybe I am a good pick for the Russian leader. But this remains an uncertainty, but one which I am willing to cross in my mind.
Trump has taken the direction to sever the military aid that is coming to Ukraine. They won’t be getting any support for at least 90 days while there is a review ongoing. That may give Russia huge advantage.
For this, I am sorry for Zelensky and the trouble this is bringing him. But if this keeps Europe or USA from getting into a war with Russia, then I think it is worth it. It is that simple. Europe has been saying for years now about how it is ready to bring in their troops into Ukraine. This would undoubtfully spark a world-war, where they won’t be the ones winning.
Being Harvestable
Finally, if I am such an important person, why am I still living with my parents and unemployed?
Couple of points there. They main reason, is what God gave me around 2017 through a prophetess. They wanted to take me then, but he stopped it because I was not yet harvestable. What is harvestable? The prophetess was the pastor’s wife. I asked them what it meant. I don’t think he knew.
Jesus talked about harvests. There are modern day Christian books on the topic. Still, they don’t explain it well.
So, what does it mean. We are living in the third-density, or I’ll call it the third dimension. A parallel universe above ours is the fourth dimension. It has all the same suns and planets in the same places, but the state of the planets can be entirely different. New inhabitants. The planets that are habitable here may not be habitable in a different dimension. I know that Earth in fourth dimension is habitable.
So, after reincarnating in this level, after some time, we raise our frequencies and become harvestable into a higher dimension.
So that is what God is waiting for me. I am near that, but apparently not there yet.
The little I know, is that they harvest “wave” comes in 25,000-year cycles here. If you miss it then, you have to wait another 25,000 years. And the ones achieving this have been rare in the past.
There was one 50,000 years ago, there was no one harvestable. Twenty-five thousand years ago, there were some, but they chose to stay to wait for their friends. I think there will be more this time. Learned this from The Law of One (The Ra Material). I bought the books.
It may seem that I am experiencing delusions-of-grandeur. I have my doubts. Trump is still early in his role, there is much to see and experience and make judgements on. But these are my early conclusions and beliefs.
It really dawned on me today that maybe the world is not such a dangerous place for me, or the road to world leadership already far along in the process than I thought.