Knowing Alex, Israel

In this post, I will try to go into information about me as it relates to Israel and some very ancient and almost impossible to find information on the beginnings of Hebrews on this planet.

I believe there is a relationship between them and me and I will finish of this piece with this.  But first my history with the Jewish people.

Family History

First, I think it is important to bring out some family history.  From several different relatives, it is known that my great-grandmother is Jewish.  She decided to marry with my great-grandfather, who is not Jewish and was abandoned by her family.  She was a pharmacist and later died early after having only one child.  That is the only Jewish relative that I know.

Personal Relationship History

Raised as a Christian, I always respected Jews.  They were God’s chosen and would ultimately make it to the millennium, the thousand-year reign with Jesus despite their many persecutions. 

One quote that comes to mind, is where a king asked: “What is the proof that God exists?” His counselor answered: “The Jews”.  Indeed, they faced long odds over history to make it to this present state.

Why were they so persecuted?  My best answer at the time was that it was karma from them wiping out the inhabitants of Canaan, to take over their land.

I came across several young Jewish people.  One I met at a club at RIT.  This club promoted building projects that interested us.  It came down that this friend who was majoring in mechanical engineering was able to machine some good parts for a chess moving robot.  I did the electronics and software.  Eventually I was able to demonstrate the project at a public day for non-RIT people.  It was a success.

There were others and generally we got along very well.

The Book

Fast forward to a few months ago.  I came across a book that I have read across several times.  I have other books on similar topics that I have not finished.  In fact, I have bought a lot and don’t remember finishing any recently.  This one was different.  Very different.

The book: Thiaoouba Prophecy The Golden Planet by Michel Desmarquet is subtitled “A true report by the Author who was PHYSICALLY ABDUCTED to another planet.

Oh no! Not another abduction story – I hate those you may say.  This one is different.

Thiaooubans took Michel on their spherical spaceship.  The captain Thao is very nice.  They are on their way to their planet Thiaoouba where he will spend about nine days before he returns.  He strictly can stay no longer than 9 days or he will die due to the law of the Creator. 

This is because Thiaoouba is a 9th level planet – the highest level.  It takes many reincarnations and lives to climb from level 1 to level 9.  There are only two that are level nine in this galaxy.  Earth is level 1 – these types of planets are known as planets of sorrow.

When he arrives on their planet the radiant colors are gorgeous but also overwhelming to him.  It seems as if everything is radiating light on their planet. They give him sunglasses to protect him from the light which can lead to fainting.

The reason they brought him is to tell him some very important information.  They go over some history of our planet.  Some 1.3 million years ago another civilization from a planet knew that their planet was going to cool down and no longer be able to support life in 500 years.  They had the technology and spaceships to travel far out into space and so they started a search for another planet to inhabit.  They were two races on that planet.  The color were blacks and yellows.

They found Earth and decided to relocate their entire planet here, finding it with foliage and fauna and having no human inhabitants at that time.  It took them about 50 years to relocate about 7 million of their people.  So, story is fascinating and is filled with names and dates and other details.  Thao is telling Michel it.

One thing that I would like to mention about Thao and their race, is that they are hermaphrodites.  Very advanced technologically and but most importantly psychologically.  They are the over watchers to other civilizations in the galaxy, including Earth.  Michal refers to her as she, due to the female features that she has.  Thao initially recommends that he refer to her in neutral as it.  But he never does.

It keeps referring to the Universal Law.  There are laws set by the Creator that set the guidelines to how things are to operate in this universe.  A law broken has to be repaid at some point by the individual.

It is unlikely that any of us have heard the Creator speak, Thao says.  He is a perfect Spirit having no physical body form and everything evolves to him. 

Planet of Hebra

Here is what I am trying to get to.  About 12 thousand years ago, the inhabitants from the plant Hebra, knew that their planet would be completely uninhabitable in the coming millennium.  So they started searching for relocation.

Universal law holds that a race cannot move up a planet level.  .  Death is the result of this breaching.  The body just for no apparent reason dies after some time, I believe nine days, but before then you are totally fine.  And if you leave before then you are also fine, just like Michel was.

However, it also holds that you cannot go down a level.  Death does not happen in this case, but there will be problems. Ideally you want to stay at your level. 

The original race that came here 1.3 million years ago stayed at their level.

The inhabitants of Hebra had the same intention.  However, they were above level one.  Their spacecraft experienced serious problems and they decided to land on Earth temporarily for repairs.

Aboard the spacecraft were three woman and five men.  They made a successful landing and started the repairs. A camp was set up because they did not expect a quick fix.

Then the unexpected happened that would be very fateful.  During the repairs a serious explosion occurred killing five of the people who were in the vicinity of the craft.

A man and two women remained unharmed.  They realized the situation.  They were trapped on a lower-level planet than what their bodies were suited for.  There would be problems.

They were in the region in the western Russia.  As winter started to onset they began to head south to a warmer climate.  They were able to make it to the present area of Israel on foot.  Both the women were pregnant by then and they made a permanent camp.

Thao says that that was the beginning of the Hebrew people on this planet, again around 12,000 years ago.  It states that there was no Adam and Eve, the Hebrew people started from Robanan, Levia and Dina.

Michel asks Thao, why they did not transport them to their planet.  It responds that they are only able to predict the future about 100 years in advance.  They simply thought that they would interbreed with the inhabitants of Earth and become unclean, losing their higher level over the generations. 

But that is not what happened.  They kept to themselves and being spiritually clean and their level.  Even now, in Israel, the Jews have kept their DNA pretty much the same as what it originally was.

She goes over the history of Israel.  The Thiaooubans were the ones who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with their powerful spacecraft because of their depravity – who were infringing the Universal Law.  It goes on to say that the angels mentioned in the Bible are their people.

The book obviously will have more details.  One notable thing I would like to mention is that they recruited Moses before his body life to lead Israelites out of Egypt.  It states that Moses was an Egyptian that favored the Hebrews – by design.  They planned his life out and a higher level being agreed on the mission.

Though it does not state it, I believe the Thiaooubans created the plaques on Egypt by their technology.  

Also, it states that despite enormous pressure from the priests, the Pharoah and his army never followed the Hebrews into the Sea of Reeds, keeping his promise to Moses.  A couple of spacecrafts separated the water for the Hebrews to cross.

You are no doubt are seeing a pattern.  The Thiaooubans are consistently saving the Hebrews.  Indeed, while the Kings counselor stated (my earlier comment) that the evidence of God is Israel, which is really a higher ET race.

You see, Christianity benefits from believing that we are the only planet in the universe that God created as humans.  Well, if there are other planets and other humanoids that can travel and have superpowers technologically, suddenly things start to erode.  The miracles (I will get to them later) can easily be accomplished with either higher evolved races or just great technology.

Like I mentioned, the parting of the waters.  Spaceships can do this but there are other similar things.


Then it gets to the story of Jesus.  What it recounts you just will not find anywhere else.  I have come across different higher spiritual writings and I just cannot find this.  But its story makes perfect sense.

Even on that their planet, there are Thaori, much more highly advanced than the average inhabitant.  They are not inhabitants of that planet but appear without warning.  I believe the Thaori are higher dimensional beings who were previously Thiaooubans.

Thiaooubans planned the life of Christ to show the people love and spirituality, but also that there is life after death.

The life that we know as Jesus was two different people.  Jesus that was born lived with his parents and eventually traveled all the way to Japan where he married and had children and died.  They have references that there is a tomb that identifies him.

The second part was important.  They took one of their inhabitants and created for him an Earthly body.  But here is why it was important.  They could not do it in one life because, even if they took one of their people, upon incarnation a person passes through the River of Oblivion, completely erasing all the memories.  This includes skills that they had, including healing the sick, psychic skills, raising people from the dead and all kinds of information.  So, one of their inhabitants gave up his body,and stepped into a body that the Thaori created.  It took higher dimensional being to do this.  A higher dimension is a parallel universe above this one, that has generally the same star map but at a higher frequency for higher evolved beings.

So, he walked into this world as Christ, remembering all the skills and the life he knew in Thiaoouba.  I believe the transition occurred during the 40 days in the desert, but I may be wrong.

Again, all the things that Christ did that seen as miracles, are skills that are or maybe common on his planet.

It states that upon his crucifixion, they rolled the stone back, took him upon their spacecraft and revived him.

You see, that for even a mildly advanced people, subduing the Roman soldiers would be an easy feat.  Restoring life might be harder but not for them. 

It eventually takes him to a place where Christ’s body, with his gashes and scars is kept preserved.  The spirit was not there.

Believe me, I am a pretty easy believer, but this was hard for me to accept.  But I eventually was able to do it.

Be careful to not reject the truth.

The Relationship

Finally, what did I mean my relationship to the Israelites.

As I have mentioned in the Biden piece, there is a code that transfers letter to numbers. I do this occasionally.

I tried to process the name Israel – no significant numbers there for me.  Hmm,maybe Hebrew – darn, nothing significant.  So, I thought a little longer.  Ahh, what about Hebra?  Bingo!

Hebra = 85291

My initials AIK = 192

There is a reversing.  In my experience the reversing indicates an adversary or a spouse!

Just to prove my point: Here is from the Ra material:

“The racial memory contains all that has been experienced. Thus there is some, shall we say, contamination even of the sexual, this showing mostly in your own culture as the various predispositions to adversary relationships, or, as you call them, marriages, rather than the free giving one to another in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator.”

I have heard people say that in marriages there will be an equal amount of love and hate.  Or that the famous quote from Ruth Graham who was married to Billy Graham: “I’ve never considered divorce,” she said once. “Murder, yes, but not divorce.”

For laughs and giggles, let me mention one more thing.  For some reason I decided to setup a dating profile on eHarmony.  I was not ready to look just yet, so I purposefully kept the description blank.  I expected that since I did not complete the last screen that I would not be findable.

Turns out I was.  One woman looked at my profile.  After that I made sure that it was not findable.  The name: Brandi.

For more reading, visit the main page at

9/21/2024 – The book is no more. It has been consumed by the fire tonight. These people, Thiaooubans, intended to kill me by mind control Dec 2023. They are my mortal enemies.

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