Recently Zelensky met with Trump to sign a mineral rights agreement and to end the Ukraine-Russia war. Forty minutes into the meeting Vance triggered Zelensky and an argument ensued with them and Trump. Trump kicked out Zelensky with no agreement made, saying that he disrespected the sacred place of the White House.
Later that day an outpouring of support ensued for Ukraine from various world leaders, particularly from Europe.
Will Trump take away all military support? He has already taken away the power infrastructure support for Ukraine. This is uncertain.
Earlier there were headlines where USA is seemingly pulling out of NATO, its support and even forces already in Europe.
There is talk that Europe needs to have its own army and support for defense. That looks like the current trajectory that we are on.
This falls in line with the predictions that I have come across on the web about USA pulling out troops from Europe before it gets invaded. You see, if we pull out of NATO, we do not entangle other countries into a war with Russia and China, like Europe. I wondered how that would happen, but now it is obvious.
Europe is setting itself up for rule, by ancient prophecies, the Antichrist.
I wondered why USA gets invaded and out of the picture, is it because there is no other leader that can lead it? Maybe, maybe not.
There are times when I feel like a stone is dislodged and cleared in me. Lately that has been accelerating. One of those clearing, briefly changed my thinking to a positive side.
I was really upset with Elon Musk lately, for his attacks on Sam Altman. But with this one clearing, my judgement on him shifted to a positive side, thinking he is a good guy worth preserving.
The clearing came after I was feeling heart soreness. My theory is that I have some structure (enclosure?) around my heart that is limiting it and causing the pain. With the breakthrough, the pain goes away and changes my outlook on life.
But that was short lived. Moments later the soreness returned – there is more work left.
Progress is being made, and especially today, where the afternoon part was really great.
At this rate, significant life changes will soon be realized. I am looking if I can get back into the electronics repair hobby that I started this winter but left immediately.
My plan is that if I can sustainably work on that, then I would be confident that I can return to work.
I have made three resolutions recently.
The voices, for years, were telling me about who I would date with. I would believe them. But lately I have taken a stand and decided that their predictions are not true.
I have thought about this before, that dating is really dangerous for me. It could be catastrophic, something that I am never supposed to do. Even if that were not true, dating would open me up to women accusing me improprieties like we often see with the me-too movement.
Finally, I don’t really need it. I have had my needs met by the workers for decades and they will do just fine in the future.
What are the workers? I have realized that they are in the upper dimension. Our bodies are multidimensional, it seems to me. Before I thought that they were on another planet in our dimension.
I will do just fine not dating in this life.
Being Taken
I have written about (The Hand That Wants to Take Me) how I expect to get abducted in the future by some group. There were all kinds of predictions on that in my life. I go over those in the post above.
Well, it is becoming clear to me that I just don’t have time to be abducted to some mansion. First, I don’t want it. Second, I need to be in control of my life and not be locked up.
I am realizing that I am in control of my future, and I have to make it work. There is not going to be some group taking me, I have to grow to the position that I aspire to. Something like pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
So, I am writing this to make it known, that is no longer an option for me.
Off-World Travels
This one is unique. As I have been following the space guys, they talk about various people, like Elon Musk traveling to different planets within the solar system for various conferences or accords. Even major CEOs also are invited for meetings with ETs that look like us that need input on different plans.
That appealed to me, traveling to another planet to meet for different discussions.
I looked forward to it. But today I realized it would be a very bad idea.
You see there is a rule in space, that planets are a neutral zone. ETs are not supposed to interfere 62 miles above the surface of Earth. Beyond that they have the power to destroy, apprehend and probably kill.
I don’t think there could be an agreement made to get me to travel in space, that these positive ETs would not be tempted to find a loophole and do me harm or worse.
They have already tried with what I believe that I was taken aboard a Solar Warden mothership in December 2023 where they tried to likely to hurt or kill me. Solar Warden is part of Earth Alliance, a group of white-hat portions of world governments.
If they have already tried to harm me once, there is all likelihood that they cannot be trusted in the future. Any meetings will have to happen on Earth.
Overnight Update
Well, it seems that dating and taking will still happen, no matter how I resolve against it right now. I am told that dating is not dangerous for me. As for being taken, I am reminded frequently about it, so it is nearing, maybe this year.
Finally, the third resolution, will stand. I will not have off-world travels. This is likely for the dangers that it would open me up to. Space is wild, and there are too many groups/races that would risk their welfare to harm mines.
3/6/2025 – I am being told that I will be off-world. Not sure about this yet. But if so, I would have to be person grata and I meet some of the conditions (my future self) of the opposite for folks like the Galactic Federation of Worlds. But I am open to it.
So it seems my resolutions won’t last.