Applied Technologies Center

Am I Behind President Biden’s 2022 Comeback or Am I Crazy?

I wanted to wait to post this article.  I was planning on waiting until my blog had more visitors to reveal this.  But I changed my mind.  This rich article will hit a cold, cold website, and that is a shame.

Currently my website is a ghost town, it has almost no visitors – ever since I started it about half a year ago.  Google and Bing probably sent the amount of people that I can count on my fingers. 

I am going to go over about twenty years of history, briefly.  First to show the depths that I came from.  But also, to mention some of the moments along the way that help build my case.


After dropping out of Clarkson University where I was majoring in Computer Science, that I started shortly after high school (I graduated in 2000), I was probably at the lowest point in my life.  I was very sick, no friends of any kind other than relatives, spent majority of my time in my parents’ house bedroom.

I stopped eating, because “you’re not supposed to eat”.  This led to a hospitalization then to a long-term psychiatric facility. According to the psychiatrist there, I was becoming “catatonic”, sitting in a chair for long periods of time.  I was dying.

I was released back home after successful treatment where I started to eat.  Then sometime later, I started to “run away” from home, just walking out and planning to travel to the west coast by foot.  How I was to eat never crossed my mind.

This led to trouble with law-enforcement and another hospitalization.  This time, instead of sending me back home, they sent me to a group home. 

New Life

Here is where the medication that they put me on started to work.  It worked very well.  I gained a serious amount of weight (I think about 70 lbs).  But this gave me a new start.  I became normal, happy and had a new life.

I was very excited to get a janitorial position.  Worked there about a year. Then I, with great expectation, decided to start going to college.  I felt that manufacturing was the way for me.  The major that I signed up for was Precision & Tooling Machining at Monroe Community College.  This profession is running a computer-controlled machine that cuts out parts from a piece of metal.  There is some computer programming here, I consoled myself.

The classroom and lab were located at an off-campus place called the Applied Technologies Center.  Here there were three professions to choose: auto mechanic, HVAC, and machining.  I signed up for getting a certificate, which you only need a year of class and lab.  My plan was getting employed at a machine shop, then getting an apprenticeship and continuing my career there.

I remember working on cutting a piece of metal in lab, we were making some tool that we were going to be graded on.  After making this metal tool we had to stamp our initials on it.  My initials are AK, officially.  However, for some reason I decided to use a middle name.  While officially I do not have a middle name, by Ukrainian tradition, my middle name would be my father’s first name.  So, I used that and stamped AIK.  I will come back to its importance.

I completed the year and got a certificate.  At this point, I decided to get an associate degree in the same profession.  I started to work at a local machine shop while continuing with my classes.

This is when, for some reason, I decided to stop taking the only medication that I was on.  Initially, I was fine.  Maybe for a few weeks.  But then the problems started to happen.  The problems started to happen at work, so one night, feeling I was at risk of suicide if I continued to work, I quit.  I also quit going to class too.  Started to spend most of my time in my bedroom, I think even in bed.

My parents encouraged me to go back to work and class, but I refused.  Eventually I was hospitalized, got back on the same medication, felt much better and was upset about what I did.

I decided to go back to MCC but this time for an engineering associate degree.  The classes were at the main campus.  I completed the two years there and then transferred to Rochester Institute of Technology’s Computer Engineering Technology program.  Completed it with honors. 

Moved to Texas

My career led me to Texas, this was the only option that I had at that time.  I was not able to find something in time in Rochester.

While I was in Texas, I remember reading an article where then vice-president Biden visited MCC, specifically the Applied Technologies Center that I had studied and got a certificate at.  What are the odds?  He probably met the few teachers who work there, who used to be mines.  So, for me, in theory, we are separated by a person.  Weak contact but still notable.

I was still having some breakthrough mental issues there.  I remember questioning if I had died sometime in my past, like in my previous suicide attempt, and that for the rest of the world I was dead and buried, but in my own world I survived and kept living.  That I was living in my afterlife.

There are movies where this happens, a scary example is The Others.

I remember thinking how do I know if this is true or not?  Well, I theorized if this is my afterlife, I can’t die again.  I didn’t test this though.

My career continued successfully in Texas until I was laid-off due to reorganization.  I decided to return to Rochester and look for work there.  I moved back in with my parents.  Found another employment but did not move out.

Had another instance where I started to take a cheaper generic version of same and only medication that I was on for years, that was working very well.  This one was not good, and I started to slip into the deep ocean without realizing that it was due to the new medication. 

It is around this time that I learned that I was supposed to be the Antichrist, from one voice.  I still believe that today, that I am the spirit of the Antichrist.  You see we, as man, are three things, a spirit, which is our consciousness, a subconscious which is our soul and a body. 

There is only one Antichrist spirit and I think I am it.

The Antichrist still has not arrived on the world scene.  Yes, people think that it is that or the other, but that is still debatable.  I don’t think anyone has fulfilled any of the prophecies about him today.  I remember about a prophecy that he will arrive on the world stage at a point where countries will be warring amongst themselves.  This is in its early stages.

Let me say that – I won’t be the Antichrist in my lifetime.  I am his spirit so there is still hope in a future life.

As I was on the weak generic, I developed this great story that I was dead in the real world, the one that I succeeded in suiciding in, and was living in a universe that was made just for me – without ever realizing this.  Somehow, I affected the real world to a certain extent that without me it was in danger of being destroyed.  There was a huge effort to bring me back from the dead in the real world.  They were spending tons of gold to try to revive me.  I fully believed this. 

I got back on the better generic, most of the delusions went away and was able to keep my job.


But eventually I started to get sick again, even with the better generic.  It had worked for 20 years.  Medication can work only for so long.  The underlying condition keeps growing.  I eventually became unemployed while all this time living with my parents.  Living with my parents turned out to be a benefit here.

I was still struggling with the belief or delusion that I was living in my afterlife.  It occupied some of my time.

Around this time, probably 2021, I came across a person on Twitter stating that “Biden does not know that he is alive”. Hmm I though, this sounds familiar.  Are they seeing me in Biden? 

I did some research, and I think that the first person to start this is Trump, here is his clip.

Around this time, I heavily believed in Trump.  I voted for him.  For most of my adult life I was a Republican.  Today, that may no longer be true.  I am on Biden’s side.

Trump was seeing me in Biden, as my delusion fits the phrase very clearly.  I really was not sure if I was alive.  How many people in America are believing that they are living in their afterlife?  For those people Trump’s phrase fits perfectly.  I don’t think however, Biden was struggling with that delusion.

I do believe that he was seeing me in Biden, so the irony is, Trump was mocking me while all the while I was his strong supporter.

Biden Labeled the Antichrist

As I was following stories about Biden, there are at least two people who are calling Biden an Antichrist.  One actually threatened him and was arrested and charged.  The other one who is known as a ‘prophet’ has campaigned for Mastriano’s campaign to be Pennsylvania’s governor, has also called Biden the Antichrist.

What do both of them have in common? They are apparently hear from God. I would not dismiss them as hearing from someone who does not exist. There is this unfortunate stereotype of mentally ill people that their beliefs are nothing. None of us can completely prove it. It would take the very God to judge this perfectly.

I am one of those people, who claims to hear from a personal God.

Edgar Cayce, during one of his trance-like sessions, stated that for each person there is a personal God and a personal devil and each person has to decide who to listen to. For some people, these two entities are obvious for others they are not.

Back to Biden. Let me tell you, Biden will not fulfill all of the Bible’s prophecies about the Antichrist.  I am pretty sure about this.  However, are they seeing me in him?

Biden’s Decline

As I recall, Biden’s 2021 year started out hopeful then fizzled.  He was having a hard time getting Build Back Better passed.  Sen. Joe Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema were holding out.  As of February 2022 Manchin stated this of the plan: “It’s dead”.  There was a heavy investment by Democrats and Biden in energy, negotiations and time, but Manchin just could not support the bill.

During this time, I was adamantly against what Biden was doing.  What you want to pass Build Back Better and spend so much money – No!  What you want to end the filibuster – No way!  I was scared at some of the power grabs that were proposed, from the Supreme Court to others. The attacks on Trump were upsetting – How dare they!

On March 1st 2022, Rep. Steve Scalise issued this press release: “Biden’s Presidency Filled With Failure, Weakness, and Chaos”  The war in Ukraine started less than a week ago.  Things were not looking good.

What was happening with me

Around March of 2022, I was unemployed for over a year, after getting fired for not working due to the illness. I was trying to recover and get back to life again.  It would come I told myself.  My life was a holding pattern, help my parents with shopping, some responsibilities around the house and that was mainly it.  Just doing a simple search for an item in the house would generally lead to stomach pain and I had to stop.

Computer use was limited to the end of the day and sometimes finished in haste to avoid its symptoms.

We had a mice problem, our house is near a corn field, and they can multiply quickly if not controlled.  I had a small period when I was working on catching them, maybe a month, but after I was laid off, I just could not do it.  Could not risk the symptoms and was not well enough to do it.  Was told, wait until you are “womanized” to do it.  I was literally the 40-year-old virgin (I never watched the movie).

I tried to work on getting a new car when I was employed, but it was too much, and I gave up.  Not because I did not have the money, but I just could not go through the process.  I was making a plan but ultimately was told to wait, it was not going to work out.

Sometime before March, my ten-year-old car was having problems, I knew it was the transmission.  I thought about getting a new car.  “Wait until you are womanized” was the answer.  So, I gave that up and had it fixed at the dealership.

Come March 2022, after continuing encouragement by the voices to view porn, I did on a few occasions.   I ultimately was told that I was “womanized”, something that I did not expect.  To be womanized you need a woman, right?  I believe there were, but from a distance.  March 2022 is a big milestone in my life.  

Quick side note: the word “womanized” is generally not used in the way that I am using it in English.  The reason? I am translating it from a Russian word, the language that I am getting it in is in Ukrainian/Russian and well, this is my definition of the word.

Looked it up in the dictionary and the official definition is “married”.  I don’t think that this is what I have been doing, so I prefer my translation.

These voices, they may speak to you in your own personal language.

Coming back after several hours:  I remembered a quote from Tolstoy where he reconciles my and the official definition.  I was not able to quickly find the exact piece, but this one also works:

“What a muddle it is! Out of a thousand men who marry (not only among us but unfortunately also among the masses) there is hardly one who has not already been married ten, a hundred, or even, like Don Juan, a thousand times, before his wedding”.


At this time, I could see that God was happy and he said that now I could start the mice catching operation, with a laughter.  Eventually I did, there was many of them and unlike the first brief time that I was catching them, this time I did not need my father to help me to discard them. This has continued until now.

April came and after some argument with my mother about my car, I decided to buy a new car.  I was able to do it, had it ordered and waited five months and completed the sale recently.

In May, I felt an important urge to share my story.  So, I did something that I had never imagined before to do: start a blog about my past life and future.  I did confessions before this milestone to pastors, and I was super fearful before them.  The content in the bio has more information and I am pretty comfortable to share it.  In fact, I want people to read it. 

I particularly remember my feelings before this year on my belief that I was the Antichrist.  This was my utmost secret, I was too fearful to share it, but I believed it.  Come June, most of these fears went away and I had started the blog and wrote about it.

This milestone had me come from disables to ‘ables’.  The process is still ongoing and will have to be continued over probably years, but there are small incremental improvements along the way.

Biden’s Comeback

Biden successes seem to start in April.  Some pair were pretending to be false federal operatives and were corrupting the secret service agents with bribes, expensive items and rent free residences for at least a year.  Where were they going with this?  When spending money, you want something in return.  Surprising what stopped it was not a secret service agent alerting the authorities but a mail carrier who was assaulted near one of their apartments.

Over time, I started believing in Biden and supporting his plans.  Today I continue with that.  As I recall around this time, so did Manchin.  I was excited about the changes Democrats were proposing and I felt Biden more acceptable.  I was rooting for Manchin when the story broke that he was supporting the Inflation Reduction Act in July, a replacement of the Build Back Better plan.  This would be a big first win for Biden and there would be others along the way.

The story of Biden began 2022 in rough shape. He’s ending it with a series of wins and there are others with similar titles.  The question is what happened in the forest? No one cause in the news can explain his continuing success.

The Code

I would like to end this post, with a code and how it ties my name to Biden’s. 

Back in Texas I was doing some reading into spiritual stuff.  I came across Drunvalo Melchizedek and he had some interesting spiritual teachings.   One of them is what he calls the triple numbers.  First, he did not come up with this, rather it was given to him by his angels.  Each triple number has a significance, and it confirms to him what is happening inside of him as he goes about his life.

I have been doing this for years.  I memorized the conversion table and have been scanning license plates and acronyms for triple numbers. 

Anyway, here is the code that converts characters to their number representation and a YouTube video by him. In each column the letters convert to the number at the top.


As I was checking various acronyms it struck me that Biden’s and my initials that I stamped at that center and that he later visited, convert to the same numbers.

Me: AIK = 192

His: JRB Jr. = 192 1

Biden has Jr in his name that I do not, otherwise they match. 

What does this mean?  Names have power, they influence the person a certain way.  Numbers also have meanings.  Since the numbers are almost exact, I think, ultimately it means that we are under the same influence.  Obviously, our lives are nothing alike.

My Identity

It occurred to me that I have not mentioned my full name in my blog.  For all you know I may be making up my initials.  Well, I have decided to reveal my full name.  My full name is Alexander Kozitsky.  Here is my LinkedIn page that mentions the work history that I have been writing about.

I have not been careful to grow my network.  In fact, in the past few years, I have been ignoring network requests for one reason or another.  Didn’t matter much to me.  Traveling light has its advantages.


I was going to end the post here, but I could not wait or resist adding this section.  If I am affecting the president, then the first question is how much.  And is he in danger if I am?

Say someone reads this post and has the means to hurt me or kill me.  I don’t know what it would mean to Biden.

What if this story gets to some Russian operatives.  They obviously do not like Biden.  They have the resources; the downside is small and the upside for them is big.  My website is mostly spammed by Russian bots.  Not that they are smart enough to understand my posts, I think.

I probably realize some of the risk, but at the same time, this gives me something to do.  Doing nothing is too, too boring.  I have been doing nothing for over a year, and it is getting to be too much.  I need a life.


I believe that I am influencing President Biden based on the points that I mentioned here.  His and my story have the same decline and recovery timeline, and other details.  You may believe or not.  If not, I say, as Biden likes to say: “Watch me”.  Watch how my life turns out, if I continue to be a nobody or I become more credible in my hypothesis.

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